Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thoughts from Marci:

“I went through my address book and picked out the people I wanted to send postcards to. Then I realized I was going to be far short on my 30 people so I started going through the address book again. I could feel my heart harden at the thought of sending certain people postcards. Isn't that ridiculous? I have these people in my address book (the real one not computer/online). Here is the proof that they have been special to me at one point in my adult life and yet, why was I being so stingy with my love? I still don't have the answers for some people but for some others, I realized that I was holding onto some hurt feelings. I wrote the postcards even though I didn't want to and I had second thoughts about what I wrote on several of the postcards. The postcards were on the counter, stamped and ready to go. And still, I hesitated, but I didn't change any of the postcards. And then, my husband took them to the post office while I was out with the kids. So, my love or mostly good thoughts are on their way out into the world. And I wait and wonder what their effect will be on those who receive them.

30 is a hard number..... I think this is a great challenge because it forced me out of my comfort zone and into some emotionally dangerous territory. I feel good about not playing it safe and am excited to send out my last batch next week. Thank you for letting take part in this awesome experience!”

I think what Marci talks about here is true courage and true letting go. I know this took her a lot to let these feelings go and write these a few of these postcards.  For her to experience that and know that she was holding on to hurt feelings and doing the postcards anyway is huge - is something I want everyone to experience with Project Sending Love.  Too many of us hold on to hurt feelings but if we step away from that one incident that caused the hurt feelings and look at the person with love and understanding and write those feeling to them - this is the true essence of this project.


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