Honestly, I am not really sure why or how I picked 30 days for this challenge – it just came to me. And those who know me personally know I follow my heart and don’t really question it.
This 30 day challenge is here to challenge you to send/hand out a postcard to people in your life everyday for 30 straight days.
I know in my heart this is going to change the world one person at a time with simple, heartfelt, loving postcards written from the heart – your heart.
A few things to remember while doing your 30 day challenge:
If your heart tells you to send to someone your head tells you not – SEND IT anyway. They might be the one person needing it the most – maybe the one reason you started this challenge.
If you can’t do it every day, this “ok” – I would prefer every day, but I know life happens. Don’t go more than 5 days without sending. If you do this option, you will write and send 5 at a time.
Questions to think about while you are going through your 30 day challenge:
Did it get easier to express your love as you went along?
Who did your heart tell you to send to that surprised you?How did you feel after writing to who your heart told you to?
Did you start to notice changes in your overall view of the world?
Did you start expressing more love in your daily life?
Overall, do you feel happier, more loving & generous?
How do you feel your overall life has changed?
If you would like to document your journey with me to publish your answers to the above questions you can get your 30 cards for your 30 Day Challenge for only $20! After you complete your challenge and answer the questions 4 times (4 weeks) I will refund you $5 via paypal. The only “catch” to this is your answers must be more than yes or no answers – they need to be expanded upon.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s change the world one postcard at a time!!