Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 Days

So, I had this idea to send out a Sending Love card everyday for 30 days. I want to document the experience the sender feels – how telling people of the love inside you can change someone, how doing it 30 times in a row how every time you do it it gets easier and more special, how once you start you never want to stop sharing your love and how you feel more love from others – both to who you sent the cards to and people you haven’t yet. I am not saying these changes will be blaring in your face after a month – I am guessing they are going to be subtle changes in your heart that you will hear when you listen and then they will get bigger and move outward.  Let’s see – together.
On June 1st I am going to start my 30 days of Sending Love. I am going to document my journey along with 9 others by way of answering a few simple questions.
I think the most important aspect of this is to remember that if your heart tells you to send it to someone your head tells you not to – SEND IT!  That person probably needs your card more than you can know – it might be your whole reason for doing this!
Tuesday night:
I am so excited!  I have my list of 30 people of who I am going to send my cards to for this 30 day challenge! No, you don’t have to stick to a list!
Follow me and 9 others as we document our journeys through this 30 day challenge.  I have asked them to answer the following questions weekly:
Did it get easier to express your love as you went along?
Who did your heart tell you to send to that surprised you?
How did you feel after writing to who your heart told you to?
Did you start to notice changes in your overall view of the world?
Did you start expressing more love in your daily life?
Overall, do you feel happier, more loving & generous?
Want to take part – please do so!  After you document your 30 days, you will receive a $5.00 refund on your 30 day challenge pack!

Friday, May 6, 2011

What and Why?

I have been thinking of this project since 2008 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. But things happened, life took over and I pushed this to the back too many times.  I was re-diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in March, 2011 and decided this is something too important to push back any longer.

After both diagnosises, I received the most heartfelt cards from friends and family. These cards were filled with words of love, kindness, joy, hope and prayers. I honestly think this love helped carry me through cancer with flying colors!

Why do we wait to tell each other how much we love one and other, how important someone is to us and what an impact the person makes on our lives and the world until a tragedy strikes?

What if we all started sharing the love, kindness, joy and prayers that we think about others in our hearts all the time with those we are thinking about? How special and important would they feel? How could that love for each other change the world? I am not sure, but I have to see.

It is easy to get caught up in the idea of “how” do I tell others that I love them, respect them, that they are very import to me, to the world. But the how is the easiest part – open your heart and love.  You can’t run out of it and the more you give, the more you have to give and the more you get.  Crazy little thing God gave us – the ability to love.
Sending Love is such a simple idea and even simpler to do: write your love for others down on a postcard and send it.  
“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Gandhi